
creating quantum computers
atom by atom

Our processors use atoms in artificial crystals of light:
the fastest way to scale to useful quantum advantage.

MQV MCQST UVC partners speedinvest amadeus
apex dtcf bk mpf MPQ innovation
LMU spin-offs Unternehmer TUM Unternehmer TUM venture Creative Destruction Lab Startup Verband

planqc in a nutshell

planqc in a nutshell

  1. planqc's quantum computers store information in individual atoms – nature's best qubits. Quantum information is processed by arranging these qubits in highly scalable arrays and manipulating them with precisely controlled laser pulses. planqc’s unique combination of quantum technologies is the fastest way to scale to thousands of qubits, a prerequisite for industry-relevant quantum advantage.
  2. planqc's founding team combines decades of international research on neutral-atom quantum technologies. Our quantum computers are built on the precision of the world’s best atomic clocks, the world’s best quantum gas microscopes, and high-speed Rydberg gates.
  3. planqc is the first startup to emerge from the Munich Quantum Valley, which with its vast network of research institutes and industrial partners fosters a unique quantum ecosystem for startups.

atoms for quantum computing

Identical qubits
Qubits encoded in neutral atoms are identical by nature and thus are highly scalable
Flexible connectivity
Atoms can be arranged in large one-, two- and three-dimensional geometries and can be individually addressed using advanced quantum gas microscopes
Rydberg interations
Fast gates
Highly excited Rydberg states enable fast two-qubit gates using laser light
Extreme coherence
Quantum information can be stored in atomic qubits for seconds because they are well protected from the environment

planqc history

  • Vacuum chamber
    2008Optical clock qubit
    Optical lattice clock using strontium optical qubit surpasses the cesium standard (Sebastian Blatt) The absolute frequency of the Sr-87 optical clock transition
  • Quantum gas microscope
    2011Quantum gas microscope
    Single atoms in optical lattices are detected and controlled with a quantum gas microscope (Immanuel Bloch) Single-spin addressing in an atomic Mott insulator
  • Rydberg atoms
    2015Rydberg atoms
    More than one hundred atoms in a lattice are entangled with a gate based on Rydberg interactions (Johannes Zeiher)
  • Lattice cavity
    2021Scaling up optical lattices
    Cavity-enhanced optical lattices enable scaling up the number of qubits
    (Sebastian Blatt) Cavity-enhanced optical lattices for scaling neutral atom quantum technologies
  • Since 2021
  • MQV
    Munich Quantum Valley is founded
    planqc is founded as the first Munich Quantum Valley startup by Alexander Glätzle, Sebastian Blatt, Johannes Zeiher, Lukas Reichsöllner, Ann-Kristin Achleitner, and Markus Wagner
  • seed investors
    planqc closes funding round led by UVC Partners and Speedinvest.
  • Creative Destruction Lab
    planqc graduates from
    Creative Destruction Lab startup incubator as the winner of the
    2022 Quantum Stream
  • second-closing investors
    APEX Ventures and Amadeus Capital join as investors
  • series a
    planqc closes Series A financing round led by European family office CATRON Holding and the DeepTech & Climate Fonds (DTCF). Additional financial support is provided by Bayern Kapital, Max-Planck Foundation, and existing investors UVC and Speedinvest.

planqc team

Alexander Glätzle
Alexander Glätzle
Co-founder & CEO
Sebastian Blatt
Sebastian Blatt
Co-founder & CTO
Johannes Zeiher
Johannes Zeiher
Co-founder &
Principal Scientist
Verena Zimmermann
Verena Zimmermann
Chief of Staff
Stepan Snigirev
Stepan Snigirev
Product Owner
Isabella Fritsche
Isabella Fritsche
Product Owner
Simone Bibawi
Simone Bibawi
Quantum Engineering
Hagai Edri
Hagai Edri
Quantum Engineering
Boyko Nikolov
Boyko Nikolov
Quantum Engineering
Andreas Hofherr
Andreas Hofherr
Quantum Engineering
David Dawei Wei
David Dawei Wei
Quantum Engineering
Timothy Hucko
Timothy Hucko
Quantum Engineering
Pavel Naumov
Pavel Naumov
Quantum Engineering
Pranav Kulkarni
Pranav Kulkarni
Quantum Engineering
János Biswas
János Biswas
Head of Mechanical Engineering
Damien Le Guidec
Damien Le Guidec
Mechanical Engineering
Sebastian Weber
Sebastian Weber
Mechanical Engineering
Bastian Meidlein
Bastian Meidlein
Mechanical Engineering
Kilian Peine
Kilian Peine
Mechanical Engineering
Lukas Fischer
Lukas Fischer
Electrical Engineering
Tobias Posch
Tobias Posch
Electrical Engineering
Adrian Vetter
Adrian Vetter
Head of Software
Luna Cesari
Luna Cesari
Software Engineering
Daniel Haag
Daniel Haag
Software Engineering
Fabian Schrodi
Fabian Schrodi
Software Engineering
Jonas Ruebsam
Jonas Ruebsam
Software Engineering
Hanna Tschakert
Hanna Tschakert
Software Engineering
Martin Kiffner
Martin Kiffner
Head of Algorithms
Giacomo Giudice
Giacomo Giudice
Quantum Algorithms
Giuliano Giudici
Giuliano Giudici
Quantum Algorithms
Rick van Bijnen
Rick van Bijnen
Product Owner
Piero Naldesi
Piero Naldesi
Quantum Algorithms
Andreas Kruckenhauser
Quantum Algorithms
Felix Herbort
Felix Herbort
Quantum Algorithms
Alexios Michailidis
Alexios Michailidis
Quantum Algorithms
Christian Fenton
Christian Fenton
Quantum Algorithms
Sebastian Wüster
Sebastian Wüster
Quantum Algorithms
Ayse Kotil
Ayse Kotil
Quantum Algorithms
Alexandru Paler
Alexandru Paler
Quantum Computing
Jochen Wolf
Jochen Wolf
Patents, Grants & Partnership Manager
Marc Guth
Marc Guth
Head of Finance
Julia Glätzle
Julia Glätzle
Lukas Reichsöllner
Lukas Reichsöllner
Head of Operations
Daria Zaitseva
Daria Zaitseva
Office Management
Martina Arnold
Martina Arnold
Team Assistant &
Office Management
Ann-Kristin Achleitner
Ann-Kristin Achleitner
Co-founder & Member of the supervisory board
Markus Wagner
Markus Wagner
Co-founder &
Business strategist
Benjamin Erhart
Benjamin Erhart
Member of the supervisory board
Hermann Hauser
Hermann Hauser
Member of the supervisory board
Ismet Paketci
Ismet Paketci
Member of the supervisory board
Torsten Löffler
Torsten Löffler
Member of the supervisory board
Simon Kreitmair
Simon Kreitmair
Member of the supervisory board
Emily Meads
Emily Meads
Board observer
Wolfgang Neubert
Wolfgang Neubert
Board observer
Walter Baumann
Walter Baumann
Board observer
Amanda Birkenholz
Amanda Birkenholz
Board observer
Thomas Lange
Thomas Lange
Business development
Simona Hübl
Simona Hübl
Business development
Immanuel Bloch
Immanuel Bloch
Scientific Advisor
J. Ignacio Cirac
J. Ignacio Cirac
Scientific Advisor
Dieter Jaksch
Dieter Jaksch
Scientific Advisor
Markus Müller
Markus Müller
Scientific Advisor
Travis Nicholson
Travis Nicholson
Scientific Advisor

We are hiring.
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Quantum engineers
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Electronic engineers
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mechanical drawing
Mechanical engineers
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Software engineers
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planqc raises
50 million Euro series A

planqc raises 50 million Euro series A

July 8, 2024

planqc, the European leader in digital atom-based quantum computing, proudly announces the securement of €50 million financing. This substantial Series A investment is led by the European Family Office CATRON Holding and the DeepTech & Climate Fonds (DTCF). Additional financial support is provided by Bayern Kapital, the Max-Planck Foundation, further private investors, existing investors UVC and Speedinvest and it includes a non-dilutive grant from Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

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planqc has been selected
to join the World Economic Forum’s Innovator Communities in the Technology Pioneers 2024 Cohort

planqc has been selected to join the World Economic Forum’s Innovator Communities in the Technology Pioneers 2024 Cohort

June 25, 2024

The Innovator Communities are a group of the world’s most promising start-ups and scale-ups at the forefront of technological and business model innovation. As part of this group, planqc will engage with public- and private-sector leaders and contribute to new solutions to overcome current crises and build future resiliency.

planqc and d-fine
win major contract to support the Quantum Computing Initiative of the German Aerospace Center in the development of compilers and a remote access platform for their quantum computers

planqc and d-fine win major contract to support the Quantum Computing Initiative of the German Aerospace Center in the development of compilers and a remote access platform for their quantum computers

January 29, 2024

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) has announced a significant collaboration with the quantum computer manufacturer planqc and the consulting firm d-fine to strategically advance its capabilities in quantum computing. The project's goal is to establish a unified platform for managing quantum algorithms and their execution. The new DLR quantum computers will serve as hardware backends, one of which will be provided by planqc. This platform will also enable other DLR institutes and external partners to access DLR's quantum computers.

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planqc, d-fine and MQS
team up with DLR to improve material simulations using quantum algorithms

planqc, d-fine and MQS team up with DLR to improve material simulations using quantum algorithms

November 13, 2023

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) has selected d-fine to improve material simulations using quantum algorithms in the project 'QuantiCoM H2Q'. d-fine subcontracted Molecular Quantum Solutions (MQS) and planqc to jointly advance the development of algorithms for atomistic simulations in the field of statics and dynamics of water and hydrogen. For planqc, this is already the third project with the DLR, after winning an international tender worth 29 million euros for building Europe's first digital quantum computer based on neutral atoms and a contract to improve climate models using quantum machine learning techniques.

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planqc and d-fine
win contract to improve climate models using quantum machine learning

planqc and d-fine win contract to improve climate models using quantum machine learning

September 27, 2023

planqc and d-fine were commissioned by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) to improve climate models using innovative quantum machine learning techniques as part of the DLR Quantum Computing Initiative (DLR QCI). The contract is worth around one million euros and aims at enabling more precise climate predictions and robust strategies for mitigating the effects of climate change.

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planqc awarded
EUR 29M DLR contract

planqc awarded EUR 29 million contract from the DLR to build and install scalable neutral-atom quantum computer

May 4, 2023

planqc – Europe’s leader for digital quantum processors based on neutral atoms – has prevailed in a Europe-wide competition and has now been commissioned to build and install a quantum processor using ultracold atoms in optical lattices at the DLR Innovation Center in Ulm (Germany). The system will be scalable and will be integrated into DLR’s quantum computing stack as part of the DLR Quantum Computing Initiative (DLR QCI).

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Hermann Hauser
Board member

Welcome to the board!

February 23, 2023
I am delighted to be joining the board of this exciting company. With its unique technology, planqc has a huge competitive advantage in scaling its quantum computers to ten-thousands of qubits. I greatly look forward to working with this world-class team.

We are deeply honored that Dr. Hermann Hauser has placed his trust in us by becoming a member of our Board of Advisors. He is a highly valued partner and companion for us who – like no one else – knows how to turn world-class science into disruptive new products and company growth.

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Ann-Kristin Achleitner
Board member & Co-founder

Welcome to the board!

September 21, 2022
Quantum computing is one of the key technologies of the coming decades. planqc's world-class team has the best qualifications to play a key role in driving development forward.

We are proud to announce that the business expert, multi-board member, and investor Ann-Kristin Achleitner has joined planqc's advisory board. She will advise our management team on strategic and financing issues.

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and its
in the

  • 2023-11-14 Tagesspiegel features an article on based on an interview by Sabrina Patsch with Johannes Zeiher and Sebastian Blatt.
  • 2023-02-23 Süddeutsche Zeitung, one of the largest newspapers in Germany, features an article based on an interview by Helmut Martin-Jung with Alexander Glätzle.
  • 2022-09-14 Forbes magazine features an article about planqc and its plans for the first quantum computer made in Germany.
  • 2022-08-07 1E9 features an article about planqc and its plans for the first quantum computer made in Germany. The article is based on an interview by Wolfgang Kerler with Sebastian Blatt. So will das Münchner Start-up planqc als Erstes Quantencomputer mit Tausenden Qubits bauen
    An english translation by Katharina Jarrah is available on the MPQ website.
  • 2022-06-30 Handelsblatt features planqc as the start-up which raises hopes to build the first quantum computer made in Germany. Millionen für Quantencomputer: Start-up Planqc macht Hoffnung auf deutschen Hightech-Standort
  • 2022-06-09 Handelsblatt, Germany’s leading business newspaper, features planqc based on interviews by Larissa Holzki with Sebastian Blatt and Ignacio Cirac.
  • 2021-12-22 Hubert Aiwanger, Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs gets a lab tour by Sebastian Blatt at the Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics. Hubert Aiwanger in the lab of Sebastian Blatt
  • 2021-11-15 Süddeutsche Zeitung, one of the largest newspapers in Germany, features an article based on interviews by Helmut Martin-Jung with Sebastian Blatt and Ignacio Cirac. .
  • 2021-09-16 Angela Merkel, German chancellor, and Markus Söder, Bavarian prime minister, visit Immanuel Bloch's labs at the Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics and get a lab tour by Johannes Zeiher. Angela Merkel and Markus Söder visit MPQ

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